Labs are our playground to create and experiment with products in-house before launching them to the public. Some of these experiments have turned into startups with enough success to lead to an acquisition. Take a look at what the minds at Fleet Studio are cooking up!
We aren’t just generalists. We know that the future of e-commerce is client-specific solutions. Bring us challenges specific to your enterprise, and we will find a solution perfectly tailored to your industry and geo segment. Businesses at the top of their fields have come to us with niche requests that we have gone above and beyond to fulfill. We follow the latest ecommerce trends and know how to use the platforms that will give you precisely the digital product and marketplace solutions you’re looking for
Case Studies
Voice first technology extends AI directly to the homes of your customers. We have the resources to innovate ecommerce using the Alexa platform. Voice recognition can move your business beyond mobile web and apps and connect it directly to virtual assistants owned by your customers. This technology is efficient, engaging, and as simple to use as having a conversation.
Case Studies
Transparency matters to us. To give your consumers a secure 360 data platform, Fleet Studio relies on cookie alternatives with opt-in experiences. When it comes down to it, we believe that the end-user should control their information. This information gives your users a convenient, personalized experience and faith in your digital product’s security.
Case Studies
No matter the size of your company, a personalized customer experience is a superior customer experience. Through voice recognition, machine learning, and algorithms, AI systems make ecommerce unique and dynamic for each user. By setting up programs with the ability to analyze data, recognize customers, and send personalized recommendations, we can help your company gain the success of a major corporation with the individualized attention of a small business.
Case Studies
100 Nassau St
2nd floor
Princeton, NJ 08542
Phone: +1 (908) 376-6652
175 Varick St
New York, NY 10014
Phone: +1 (908) 376-6652
443, Anna Salai
Teynampet, Chennai,
Tamil Nadu 600018
Phone: (+91) 044-35011937
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